

Membership for the 2023-2024 is open to all Saskatchewan Schools & Divisions, First Nations, Ministry Branches, Community Organizations, groups or individuals – anyone with an interest in improving learning outcomes for students of all ages.

*all requests for membership are subject to approval of SACE Executive


Benefits of Membership

  • Notification of meetings, events, funding opportunities, research, etc.
  • Each area (Southern, Central and Northern) has a regional rep on the SACE Executive
  • Eligibility to apply for 1 of 35 $1000 Community Partnership Grants
  • On-going work by your Executive to ensure that Community Education issues and interests are
    taken forward to the Ministry of Education
  • Development of partnerships to support the work of Community Education in SK
  • Regular e-news, the SACE website and other communication tools
  • Access to a network of colleagues through the SACE Directory


Membership is due by December


Please fill out the form below to complete your registration. Once you hit the submit button – you will be redirected to PayPal where you can process the transaction.

Membership Registration
New or Renew Membership *
Address: *